Yes, git, I did mean that
Git comes out of the box with a nice "auto correct" feature, but sometimes it's not correct. And other times, the first suggestion isn't the one you intended, but the second or third.
Here's a short, fun shell function (tested in zsh and bash) that will run your last git command and figure out what you meant to do and then run it for you.
Here's a short, fun shell function (tested in zsh and bash) that will run your last git command and figure out what you meant to do and then run it for you.
Parity with auto-correct
$ git dif
git: 'dfif' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
Did you mean this?
> idid !!
<shows diff>
Choose non-default auto-correct suggestion
$ git pu
git: 'pu' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
Did you mean one of these?
$ idid -2 !!
<runs git push>