1. Why Logs?
Logs are a way to log what's going on in your application. Logs show up in the console or in log files on disk. See history of the term.
2. Logging Levels
Level | When? |
ERROR | Something troubling has happened that will break something else. This almost always precedes an exception or an end to execution |
WARN | Warning is often used for handled 'exceptions' or other important log events. For example, if your application requires a configuration setting but has a default in case the setting is missing, then the Warning level should be used to log the missing configuration setting. |
INFO | Output information that is useful to the running and management of your system. Information would also be the level used to log Entry and Exit points in key areas of your application. However, you may choose to add more entry and exit points at Debug level for more granularity during development and testing. |
DEBUG | Debug is considered out-of-bounds for a production system and used it only for development and testing. I prefer to aim to get my logging levels just right so I have just enough information and endeavor to log this at the Information level or above. |
3. How to write a useful log message
All log messages should be:
Specific -- easy to pinpoint where
Meaningful -- provide discerning information to identify what's wrong & some context
Actionable -- provide information with which to attempt to fix the problem or further debug / recreate
Relevant -- provide information pertinent to the situation, not redundant or superfluous
Terse -- Get to the point and be clear about it